Sunday, May 11, 2008

@ Someone

Today is another one of those "days." Human Beings have days for Everything. Whatever. So,Its Your Day. You are expecting me to write a blog on how much I love you? Or maybe Some Poetry? Or you expect some Gifts? If you are expecting such things then I'm Sorry. As always you'll be disappointed. I can write this in some other way..Maybe in some Fairy Tale form..decorate it with adjectives, whine a little to get 45 Plus Comments sympathizing with me. I can do that. But no one reads this Space anymore. The reasons being repetitive themes and Blog Hoarding (A Self Invented Term..I don't think there is a need for any explanation) . Anyways I don't feel the need to market this space or myself anymore. What am I doing? I don’t have any ounce of self-respect left to realize that I'm making a fool of myself in the public..Maybe I get a Personal Satisfaction when I do such things..

So by default, I must Love You,Right? I have tried doing this for 19 years. And now I give Up. I'm a Sinner. Yes a Sinner, because I asked you " Why?."

I asked You: "Give Me a Reason..Why Should I love You?." To this you come up with Bollywood Style Statement: "Love doesn't have Reasons." This is a ridiculous statement! Can You Love anyone without a reason? I can't. Even if you love a Bank Robber, you have some reason.

You say: You have to love me because I brought you into this world!
What a reason! I would have come here anyway! That is not a reason at all!

You say: You must love me because I have given you education and fulfilled all your demands..So you are asking me to love you for the Financing Part?. Love is a Life Insurance Policy with extra benefits? Or a Loan taken from a Bank? I wish people see the difference between "this" relationship and a relationship between an insurance company and the policy holder.
Then you come up with another statement : You should love me, because I Love You!
This is what I can't do! You don’t know the meaning of love you say. Maybe I don’t. But I know one thing: The word Love should’nt be used so casually. Like “Cool” and “Sexy.” Like “Awesome” and “Rocking.” Yeah I sound like some Goddamn Preacher. My love is not on sale for some charity auction..At least Love should’nt be used as a Charity...I'm not here for social service..For Love, some conditions have to be fulfilled..
But You'll say: "Love is Unconditional"
I say its Crap! I will kill someone just because he insulted me. Will you come and fight the case for me?
But I found a Valid reason. You have potential. Yes, like every Human you too have it. Since you are who you are, I decided to give you time. We all need time. But your potential is like an Expired Warranty Card. I keep roaming around Maybe’s , Someday’s, etc etc. How long shall I wait?

Have you ever played a Chess Game? There comes a situation when you have just a King left..and your opponent has many. You fool around..You Keep on moving your King..Forward,Backward, Right and left. I have no idea why I’m using this Example. Maybe you know what I'm talking about..

This is not an attempt to change anyone. You can’t love people sometimes. There are people in this world whom you can't love or hate. And you know what? Its OK. I feel free. I don’t have any guilt. I walk on, loving myself. And I hope that some other Soul will not write stuff like this for me in the future! But you never know…

This is just another stupid day. The sun rose in the east and it will set in the west.